June 2023 Prompts – One model a Week or One a Day
Please join us any time during this lovely month of November as we explore this month’s folding themes. …READ MORE HERE…
Please join us any time during this lovely month of November as we explore this month’s folding themes. …READ MORE HERE…
Please join us any time during this lovely month of November as we explore this month’s folding themes. …READ MORE HERE…
Please join us any time during this lovely month of November as we explore this month’s folding themes. …READ MORE HERE…
Coco, our cat, appeared at our doorstep one sunny day in the late fall of 2012. John brought her in for shelter while we attempted to find out who her owner might be. Thoroughly searching our neighborhood and asking around town, nobody claimed her. …READ MORE HERE…
Please join us any time during this lovely month of November as we explore this month’s folding themes. …READ MORE HERE…
Doesn’t this woman have the most beautiful smile? Her name is Yoneida and she’s a trained masseuse! A little extra treat––the ñapa––of my trip to Colombia this winter is spending a few days with my mother in Santa Marta a town on the north coast of Colombia due east of Cartagena. After the CfC3 convention …