November Prompts – Fold One Model a Week or One Model a Day
Please join us any time during this lovely month of November as we explore this month’s folding themes. …READ MORE HERE…
Please join us any time during this lovely month of November as we explore this month’s folding themes. …READ MORE HERE…
This session includes a video of the highlights of the month. Themes: Month at a Glance, Origami Composition and Storytelling, Exquisite Folding, Teaching Time with Origami, Folding Challenge, Origamigos Choice Ribbon Award
In addition, off camera, we shared about new folds, books and we folded paper together. …READ MORE HERE…
Using Origami as a springboard for conversation. Share, and talk. Many Origamigos participated and shared their recent origami work and ideas such as proportion and color changes, the creative challenge of modifying an existing model, the value of traditional models, making models for online meetings such as birthday celebrations, diagrams as a universal language, understanding why we fold, and more. …READ MORE HERE…