Inspiration: A Watercolor Diary (and more) –Talk and Tidbits

This session includes a video of the highlights of the month. Themes: Month at a Glance, Origamigos & Origami Spirit Tutorials, Origami Composition and Storytelling, Exquisite Folding, Organizing Origami, Folding Challenge, Reccomended Books, Origamigos Choice Ribbon Awards.

In addition, off camera, we shared about new folds, books and folded together. Links inside. Take a look! …READ MORE HERE…

Video Tutorial: Origami Lollipop

This origami Lollipop (Leyla Torres) is a model you can use as a decoration for the Candy Coffin you find HERE. This is an adaptation of a piece designed as the center of an origami Sunflower found HERE. The origami Lollipop includes some additional folds at the end. …READ MORE HERE…