Expert Interview –Benjamin Parker and Hands-on Tessellation Demo

This post includes an interview and a hands-on demonstration. You will be folding paper! Ben Parker is an origami artist and teacher who practices geometric origami, focusing primarily on corrugation and tessellation designs.
Ben has participated in several solo exhibitions and is the author of Six Simple Twists: The Pleat Pattern Method of Origami Tessellation Design (Second Edition, 2019) …READ MORE HERE…

Talk and Tidbits Live Meeting –Apr, 2021

Using Origami as a springboard for conversation. Share, and talk. Many Origamigos participated and shared their recent origami work and ideas such as proportion and color changes, the creative challenge of modifying an existing model, the value of traditional models, making models for online meetings such as birthday celebrations, diagrams as a universal language, understanding why we fold, and more. …READ MORE HERE…

Expert Interview –Dáša Ševerová Creativity and Jewelry

Dáša Ševerová was born in Slovakia where she spent first 30 years of her life. She studied Mathematics and Biology and was working several years as a high school teacher at a school for gifted children. After her son was born, she moved with her family to Geneva From the beginning, Dáša was interested in geometrical origami, in models that expressed beauty through form and symmetry. Her explorations in modular origami evolved into an interest in tessellations, one sheet models of boxes, stars fractals, and models made from paper strips. From these interests came Dáša’s first ideas about how to “improve” or extend existing models to make her own variations. …READ MORE HERE…

Printable: Dalmatian Drip Pattern and Video

Here you will find a printable ––designed by Leyla Torres–– featuring a drip pattern. It can be used to make delightful barking Dalmatian dogs, video included here.
Download HERE this pattern created for Origamigos, the Origami Spirit Membership, by Leyla Torres. …READ MORE HERE…