How to Make an Origami Witch and a Cauldron

Let’s have fun making a classic fairy tale frightening character. Who doesn’t love a green-faced large-nosed origami witch huddling over a cauldron of boiling frog soup?

In the videos presented here, you will learn how to fold a Witch and a Cauldron, designed by Leyla Torres. In addition, we can make traditional origami frogs, fill the cauldron, and cook an appetizing frog stew. …READ MORE HERE…

Make an Origami Three-Scoop Ice Cream Cone

This origami three-scoop ice cream cone, created by Yossi Nir, will delight your friends and family. You can make this cone with only one square piece of paper, and the resulting cone is fantastic! Just like these origami fortune cookies, the cone is gluten-free and has no sugar, carbs, or calories. What can be better than that?
Video tutorial inside. …READ MORE HERE…

September 2024 Prompts – Home Is Where The Heart Is

Please join us any time during August 2024 as we explore this month’s folding themes. This OrigamiSpirit challenge is open to anyone who wants to participate. Here is how to play along: NOTE: Blue word prompts link to a tutorial… Nine Lamp Kitchen Home Baby Dinner Table Breakfast Beloved Pets Storage Bin Armchair Utensils Fireplace …

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The Human Figure in Origami –Talk and Tidbits

Month at a Glance, Folding Together, Origamigos & Origami Spirit Tutorials, The Human Figure in Origami (Many examples from simple to complex), Origami USA Convention Highlights, Leyla’s 30th Anniversary, Origami Figures Folded at Conventions, Origami Visual Storytelling, Exquisite Folding, Origami Design by Origamigos, Origami Promts (Circus and Yellow), Origami Photography, Origami BOOKS, Crane Corner.
Yossi Nir shared his Ice Cream Cone.
In addition, off camera, we shared about new folds and books. Links inside. Take a look! …READ MORE HERE…