Many of the Origami Instructional Videos listed here are offered as an exclusive piece of content to Origamigos members. These videos are prerecorded and always available for viewing. The most recent tutorial is top left. PLEASE NOTE: Additional content will load as you scroll down the page. To access content hover over an image.
Video Tutorial - "Cradle Heart and Insert" designed by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - "Cradle Heart and Insert" designed by Leyla Torres
How to Make Origami Triangular Bookmarks and Napkin HoldersHow to Make Origami Triangular Bookmarks and Napkin Holders
Four-Petal Box and Lotus Flowers -A Perfect Nesting PairFour-Petal Box and Lotus Flowers -A Perfect Nesting Pair
Traditional Hibachi and an Offspring, a Venus StarTraditional Hibachi and an Offspring, a Venus Star
Fold the Standup Flapping Bird – Designed by Cliff LandesmanFold the Standup Flapping Bird – Designed by Cliff Landesman
Video Tutorial - Star Pendant –It's a Bowl Too!Video Tutorial - Star Pendant –It's a Bowl Too!
How to Make an Origami Little Red Riding Hood and WolfHow to Make an Origami Little Red Riding Hood and Wolf
Video Tutorial • Origami Inflatable Guinea PigVideo Tutorial • Origami Inflatable Guinea Pig
Video Tutorial - Origami Petal Heart and Stand-CardVideo Tutorial - Origami Petal Heart and Stand-Card
How to Make a Ribbon Gift Box- designed by Leyla TorresHow to Make a Ribbon Gift Box- designed by Leyla Torres
How to Make an Origami Elf - designed by Leyla TorresHow to Make an Origami Elf - designed by Leyla Torres
Fold the Standing Leaf (It's a Tree too!) – Demonstration by Cliff LandesmanFold the Standing Leaf (It's a Tree too!) – Demonstration by Cliff Landesman
How to Make an Origami Santa (two versions) - designed by Leyla TorresHow to Make an Origami Santa (two versions) - designed by Leyla Torres
How to Fold an Origami Crow - A DemonstrationHow to Fold an Origami Crow - A Demonstration
How to Make a Charming Origami Ant - designed by Rui RodaHow to Make a Charming Origami Ant - designed by Rui Roda
Video Tutorial - "Baby and Stork" - designed by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - "Baby and Stork" - designed by Leyla Torres
Video Tutorial - "Papiroflecta" designed by Oscar RojasVideo Tutorial - "Papiroflecta" designed by Oscar Rojas
Video Tutorial "Poppy Flower, Bud, and Stem" - by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial "Poppy Flower, Bud, and Stem" - by Leyla Torres
Video Tutorial - "Book of Love" Two Rectangles (Francis Ow)Video Tutorial - "Book of Love" Two Rectangles (Francis Ow)
Video Tutorial "Book of Love" Single Square (Francis Ow)Video Tutorial "Book of Love" Single Square (Francis Ow)
Video Tutorial - Boat Drawer Box –FOUR MORE variationsVideo Tutorial - Boat Drawer Box –FOUR MORE variations
Video Tutorial - Duck on a Pond Drawer Box (Leyla Torres)Video Tutorial - Duck on a Pond Drawer Box (Leyla Torres)
Fold an Origami Carrot and feed an Origami RabbitFold an Origami Carrot and feed an Origami Rabbit
Video Tutorial - Boat Drawer Box (Leyla Torres)Video Tutorial - Boat Drawer Box (Leyla Torres)
Video Tutorial: "Corazón y Corbatín" - Origami BookmarksVideo Tutorial: "Corazón y Corbatín" - Origami Bookmarks
Video Tutorial - "Festive Bell Box" - by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - "Festive Bell Box" - by Leyla Torres
Video Tutorial: Advent Calendar Box and Cute Printable PicsVideo Tutorial: Advent Calendar Box and Cute Printable Pics
Video Tutorial - "Turtle" designed by Rodrigo SalazarVideo Tutorial - "Turtle" designed by Rodrigo Salazar
Fold the Floating Duck – Demonstration by Cliff LandesmanFold the Floating Duck – Demonstration by Cliff Landesman
Video Tutorial - Candy Coffin Gift Box and Variations (Alexandra Ramírez)Video Tutorial - Candy Coffin Gift Box and Variations (Alexandra Ramírez)
Video Tutorial - "Stallion in the Wind" designed by Simon AndersenVideo Tutorial - "Stallion in the Wind" designed by Simon Andersen
Video Tutorial - Pleasing Petunia -Turn it Into a Spinner Too!Video Tutorial - Pleasing Petunia -Turn it Into a Spinner Too!
Three in One! - How to Make a Star, a Box and a Cube (S.B.C)Three in One! - How to Make a Star, a Box and a Cube (S.B.C)
Video Tutorial - "Bunny Bill" (Robert Neale) "Magic Wand (Leyla Torres)Video Tutorial - "Bunny Bill" (Robert Neale) "Magic Wand (Leyla Torres)
Video Tutorial - "The Little Prince" designed by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - "The Little Prince" designed by Leyla Torres
Video Tutorial - "Eternal Flame Container" -Pentagonal version by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - "Eternal Flame Container" -Pentagonal version by Leyla Torres
Video Tutorial - "Eternal Flame Container" -Square version by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - "Eternal Flame Container" -Square version by Leyla Torres
Video Tutorial - "Chick and Hen" -designed by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - "Chick and Hen" -designed by Leyla Torres
Video Tutorial - "Crocus" designed by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - "Crocus" designed by Leyla Torres
Printable Pattern and Updated Stand-Alone Tutorial: Tiger HeadPrintable Pattern and Updated Stand-Alone Tutorial: Tiger Head
Video Tutorial - "Blossom Crane" -designed by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - "Blossom Crane" -designed by Leyla Torres
Traditional Pine Tree -Leyla's Adaptation, Video TutorialTraditional Pine Tree -Leyla's Adaptation, Video Tutorial
Video Tutorial - "Puffy Pine Tree" -designed by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - "Puffy Pine Tree" -designed by Leyla Torres
Video Tutorial • Curly-Tail Cats (Two versions)Video Tutorial • Curly-Tail Cats (Two versions)
Video Tutorial - Garland of Cats and PumpkinsVideo Tutorial - Garland of Cats and Pumpkins
Video Tutorial - Olympic Torch (by Leyla Torres) and a Rocket!Video Tutorial - Olympic Torch (by Leyla Torres) and a Rocket!
Video Tutorial - "Chickadee" designed by Himanshu AgrawalVideo Tutorial - "Chickadee" designed by Himanshu Agrawal
Video Tutorial - "Sundress" and "Onesies Wreath" (Leyla Torres)Video Tutorial - "Sundress" and "Onesies Wreath" (Leyla Torres)
Video Tutorial - "Dawn Rose" designed by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - "Dawn Rose" designed by Leyla Torres
Expert Interview –Benjamin Parker and Hands-on Tessellation DemoExpert Interview –Benjamin Parker and Hands-on Tessellation Demo
Floral Printable Patterns and Easy Envelope VideoFloral Printable Patterns and Easy Envelope Video
Video Tutorial - "Happy Rabbit" -designed by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - "Happy Rabbit" -designed by Leyla Torres
Video Tutorial - "Messenger Hen" -designed by Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - "Messenger Hen" -designed by Leyla Torres
Printable: Crossword-Puzzle Crane and Video TutorialPrintable: Crossword-Puzzle Crane and Video Tutorial
Video Tutorial - Puffy Heart and Lion Head -Leyla TorresVideo Tutorial - Puffy Heart and Lion Head -Leyla Torres
Video Tutorial - "Buffalo" designed by Yara YagiVideo Tutorial - "Buffalo" designed by Yara Yagi
Video Tutorial - "Curved Box with Blades" designed by Gerardo GacharnáVideo Tutorial - "Curved Box with Blades" designed by Gerardo Gacharná
Video Tutorial - "Flor Leyla" designed by Guadalupe MartínezVideo Tutorial - "Flor Leyla" designed by Guadalupe Martínez
Video Tutorial - Fall Leaf Salver - David DonahueVideo Tutorial - Fall Leaf Salver - David Donahue
Video Tutorial - SailBoat by Marc KirschenbaumVideo Tutorial - SailBoat by Marc Kirschenbaum