Mark your calendar for these upcoming events. Not a member? Sign up HERE
If you miss a scheduled live session, you can access the recording later by visiting the ORIGAMIGOS HOME PAGE.
DATE: Sat, March 1 Origami Prompts for this month. Theme: SUN • Click HERE for the post. Fold and share on our Facebook group or email your pictures to Leyla.
DATE: Saturday, March 1, 11:30 AM (NYC time zone) • FOLD LIVE WITH LEYLA • MODEL: Squared Square and Squared-Square Cube (Model designed by Robert Neal -with an added variation by Leyla)• LIVE session where we fold together and you can ask questions as you fold. Invitation post with Zoom link and what materials to bring are HERE.
DATE: Week of March 3 -Video tutorials and post-release: -PLEASE NOTE: Besides attending the live session (or in case you miss it), check out a post for extra creative inspiration. Click to access the TUTORIALS page.
• DATE: Saturday, March 8 at 2:00 pm EST (NYC time zone)••• FOLD LIVE WITH LEYLA • MODEL, Mother Hen and Chick
•DATE: Last Week of March -A conversation with a Jan expert. Guest to be announced.